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ACW Group Project


A one to four-player, PvE, top-down tank shooter - playable with Xbox 360 controllers!

Made for the ACW of the Agile-based Group Development module as part of my Master’s degree, this Unity-based 2D cartoon shooter was designed and developed over two months, according to a quoted specification. Committing to a central repository across separate branches, my team and I navigated Git via the agile development philosophy to integrate our work progressively throughout development, creating the prototype available on the releases page. Watch the youtube video for a preview!

Joe Greaney - Player/Game Mechanics, User Controls, Player UI, Power-ups, Environmental Systems, Bullet Reflections, Special Effects, Audio Engineering
Murilo Floriani - Game UI, Input Systems, Software Architecture and Git Maintenance
Callum Morgan - Bullet collisions, Powerup Effects
Sohail Turner - Level and Environmental Design, Visual Asset Sourcing
Jason Turner - AI and NPC systems